Do your extension cords look like this when you’re unraveling them, no matter how nicely they were wrapped up?
Today we’ll going to show you a tip that will banish tangled and knotted extension cords from your life. It’s called the Contractor’s Wrap, and I learned it from a Boy Scout leader who worked as an HVAC man back when my mustache was merely peach fuzz.
Here’s how it works. Read the article at: ArtOfManliness
Step 1: Connect the Male and Female Ends Together
Step 2: Make an Overhand Knot at the End
Step 3: Make a Chain of Successive Slip Knots
Pull the two strands through the loop and form another loop.
Put your hand through the loop that you just made. Grab the two strands of cord beneath it, and pull it through the loop to form another loop. Repeat until you get to the end of the cord.
Step 4: Tie Off the End
Finished Product
Doubling Up for Longer Cords
Finished doubled-up Contractor’s Wrap.
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