If you’ve ever been the victim of a burglary, you know that terrible, sinking feeling all too well. You get home, and something is amiss. Maybe a door is ajar, or a window is broken. Someone has invaded your privacy, rifled through your belongings, and shattered your feeling of security.
If you’re lucky, the only things missing will be electronics, which can easily be replaced. The intruder may have also absconded with irreplaceable personal items – a treasured piece of jewelry, a sterling silver family heirloom, a camera with photos you haven’t downloaded yet. They haven’t just taken your belongings; they’ve also taken your peace of mind.

According to the FBI, there were nearly 1.6 million burglaries in 2015 – roughly one every 20 seconds. Of those, about 72 percent were residential burglaries. Read on to see which cities and states have the highest and lowest odds of burglary, and what 400 convicted burglars shared about their motives and methods.
Read the entire article here. courtesy of ADT.
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