Should You Send That Email?


Measuring the U.S. Melting Pot


More than half of the nation’s 3,143 counties contain a plurality of people who describe themselves as German-American, according to a Bloomberg compilation of data from the Census Bureau’s 2010 American Community Survey.

Click on the graphic  to explore the results of the survey and see the distribution of other heritages across the country. Select an ancestry from the menu on the left to see its concentration, county by county, then choose one from the right to compare their relative prominence in a region.

Keep you headphones from getting tangled


Coffee: The Bitter Truth

brewed coffee

click image for larger view. via

30 Dr. Seuss quotes that can change your life [infographic]


Thought of the Day


From my favourite (intentional spelling) Canadian poet. Learn more bout Margaret.

What Does A Trillion Dollars Look Like

One Hundred Dollars

$100 – Most counterfeited money denomination in the world. Keeps the world moving.

Ten Thousand Dollars
$10,000 – Enough for a great vacation or to buy a used car. Approximately one year of work for the average human on earth.

One Million Dollars
$1,000,000 – Not as big of a pile as you thought, huh? Still this is 92 years of work for the average human on earth.

One Hundred Million Dollars
$100,000,000 – Plenty to go around for everyone. Fits nicely on an ISO / Military standard sized pallet.

One Billion Dollars
$1,000,000,000 – You will need some help when robbing the bank. Now we are getting serious!

One Trillion Dollars
$1,000,000,000,000 This is double stacked pallets of $100 million dollars each, full of $100 dollar bills. You are going to need a lot of trucks to freight this around.

If you spent $1 million a day since Jesus was born, you would have not spent $1 trillion by now…but around $700 billion.

One Trillion Dollars
Comparison of $1,000,000,000,000 dollars to a standard-sized American Football field and European Football field. Say hello to the Boeing 747-400 transcontinental airliner that’s hiding on the right. This was until recently the biggest passenger plane in the world.

15 Trillion Dollars
$15,000,000,000,000 Statue of Liberty seems rather small in comparison.

$ 114.5 Trillion Dollars

clip_image009WOW! That’s a lot of money!

Can’t we just all get along?

modern classic

This is one of my favorite places in Montreal. For me, the contrast in architecture serves as a metaphor for society. We all come from different places, perspectives and philosophies. We must find a way to live together.

I have taken for granted where I grew up. The world inhabits the streets of Montreal. Though not nirvana, it is a place where we find a way to live together in harmony. Just like this historic church and modern business do.

Respect for others is key to living in a society. When we learn about each other, we might just find that there is much more to this world than what we originally thought.

Your thoughts?

100 Years Visualized


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