How to Make Your Garage a Storage Powerhouse

garage powerhouseNew project for a new year: Add shelving and containers to get your stuff off the garage floor — and still have room for the car

Garages often turn into repositories for everything from sports equipment to holiday decorations. But with planning you can turn your garage into a harmonious space with room to actually — wait for it — park the car.

A Fresh Take on Tradition

A mix of abstract art, fun wallcoverings and contemporary furniture updates this suburban Chicago family home

The young professional couple had loved high-rise condo living in Chicago’s Lincoln Park and had begun raising their family there. But with their children growing older, they felt it was time for a move to the suburbs. The bones and airy floor plan of the traditional house they bought in Winnetka, Illinois, were ideal, but the aesthetic didn’t quite match their style. Enter interior designer Jeannie Balsam, who infused the family’s traditional suburban home with a fresh, modern aesthetic.

38 alternative uses for unused household items

Some of us have a terrible habit of wasting things.

We buy items for around the house thinking they will be useful, but before long they end up forgotten, locked away in a cupboard. However, when the time comes for cleaning, you’re faced with a new dilemma: isn’t there somewhere better for those household items than in the trash?

There are all sorts of things that we keep for no good reason. Paper plates that don’t get used, cassettes that have become obsolete, rubber bands that appear out of nowhere. It feels wasteful to throw them away.

With a bit of imagination, you don’t need to write those items off just yet. Nearly everything you find in your house can be put to some secondary use if you think about its shape and texture instead of its usual purpose. Even old wine corks can be cut up and stuck inside cupboard doors to stop them banging when they shut.

We’ve put together a list of 38 items that you may want to throw out, but have more life in them if given a chance.

These ideas can help you save the planet while also saving money. How many of these objects can you find in your home today?


Can Paint Be an Energy Source for Homes?

The paint on the wall may soon be a source of energy for a home. Researchers at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, say “solar paint” will be available to homeowners in the next few years.

It’s a sunlight-absorbing paint developed by RMIT researchers that produces hydrogen fuel from solar energy and moist air. Even a brick wall could potentially be turned into an energy-harvesting form of real estate, says lead researcher Torben Daeneke.

“Our new development has a big range of advantages,” Daeneke told Science Daily. “There’s no need for clean or filtered water to feed the system. Any place that has water vapor in the air—even remote areas far from water—can produce fuel. … This system can also be used in very dry but hot climates near oceans. The sea water is evaporated by the hot sunlight, and the vapor can then be absorbed to produce fuel. This is an extraordinary concept, making fuel from the sun and water vapor in the air.”

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Source: “Solar Paint Offers Endless Energy From Water Vapor,” Science Daily

Top Home Renovations for Maximum Retrun

10 Decluttering Projects You Can Do in 30 Minutes or Less

Don’t stress about the mess — just take one countertop or bookcase at a time

Facing a cluttered space can feel disheartening — who has the time (or frankly, the desire) to spend all day clearing clutter? But the thing is, making progress toward a clean, clutter-free space doesn’t have to be something you devote an entire day to. Instead, by carving out bite-size chunks of time to work on clearly defined tasks, you can get the serene space you deserve in a way that also works with your schedule. Here are 10 quick ways to get started.

Clever Use for Lemons

No bag of lemons will ever go to waste again after you know all the ways they can be used around the house.

Get an all-natural edge in your cleaning, gardening, beauty, and cooking routines, thanks to this one, little, yellow fruit that really packs a punch.


10 Things Clean Freaks Know to Be True

cleanAre you completely committed to domestic cleanliness? Then you may recognize some of these spotless truths

Most of us enjoy a clean home, but not all of us manage to maintain one every day. Clean freaks, however, put the quest for cleanliness above other, more trivial ways of spending time. For them, a spotless home is the zenith of achievement. Read on for some clean freak wisdom.

9 DIY tips for cleaning your car with baking soda DIY_Car_Cleaning_Tips_With_Baking_Sodasource: