10 Accessories That Will Make You Love Your Home More

love your home moreThese small touches can make a surprisingly big difference to your house

It isn’t always the investment pieces — the forever sofas and antique tables — that we end up loving the most in our homes. Instead, sometimes it truly is the little things that make day-to-day life just a bit easier or more special. Here, then, are 10 things you can do or add to your house to inspire a sigh of satisfaction.

The Right Paint Color for Every Room

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There are some big decisions to be made when it comes to decorating the house. The color scheme you use in each room will have a big impact on how it feels. How can you know what color will go best in each room?

Luckily, the psychological effects of color have long been the subject of study by the finest minds. From Aristotle to Leonardo da Vinci, it seems everyone has an opinion! Today, we have contemporary science to show us the way. For example, we know that green is an excellent choice for the study or office, because it stimulates creative thinking. For example, the ‘Fresh Sage’ shade promotes a feeling of tranquility and intellectual engagement.

On the other hand, a carefully selected shade of red will lend a lively, sociable atmosphere to your dining room. It’s the perfect color if you want your dinner parties to go off with a bang.

For expert advice on which colors work best for each room, have a look at our new infographic. It identifies the effects you can get color by color, room by room.

Decorating is a great opportunity to create an environment where you’ll love to work, rest and play. Pick your hues carefully, and you’ll soon create your dream home.

Paint colors 2017



We walk all over them every day. Backwards and forwards. Up and down. Our floors are probably the most used areas of our homes and yet they’re often neglected.

Stains are a big deal, especially if you have pets and/or children. And if you’ve just spent a lot of money on a carpet or rug, you absolutely want to be armed with the knowledge of how to remove the most likely stains. Because accidents happen, no matter how careful you are.

Then you’ve got laminate flooring, wood, tiles…and you may have all of these, in one house! Phew! How do you know what’s best in caring for each one?

With this Ultimate Floor Cleaning Guide, that’s how! With advice on everyday care and stain removal for different types of flooring, this guide will be your one stop shop for ensuring all your floors live long, and prosper!

source: https://www.therugseller.co.uk/infographics/ultimate-floor-cleaning-guide

How to Achieve a Minimalist Home


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Breaking the Rules: Lamps Where You Least Expect Them

lampsAmp up the wattage in your bathroom and kitchen with stylish lamps

Architecture and interior design can be the seats of great innovation, where novel ideas and a healthy dose of rule breaking have the power to change the way we experience our homes and organize our lives. But too often we settle for the safe bet, what we’ve seen before, what’s easy to find. This series sets out to explore the offbeat and celebrate the viagra espana comprar road less traveled. Let’s begin with adding lamps to your bathroom and kitchen.

8 Accessories That Make Modern Life a Little Better

accecoriesAdd any of these relatively easy upgrades to your home to quickly elevate your design

Looking for a quick decor pick-me-up to start 2017 off right? These eight accessories may not change the world, but they can make your life and your home just a little bit better.

The Hidden Benefits of Built-In Storage

storageWell-designed storage is not just a place to stash stuff. See how it can add new dimensions to your interiors

Storage is necessary to keep our homes uncluttered. But thoughtfully designed storage also can improve the shape and function of our interior spaces.

11 Steps to an Organized Kitchen

kitchen-organizingCheck out these tips for getting your kitchen under control — and keeping it that way

Give your kitchen a detox and declutter for the new year with some ideas that can be implemented annually, as well as habits that will help you out every day.