Most dramatic rise in multi-generational homes in modern times


Multi-generational housing on the rise

In 2010, it was reported that Realtors were seeing a rise in requests for multi-generational housing, a trend that increased this spring and according to the Pew Research Center, the most dramatic increase in the number of Americans living in multi-generational homes in modern history is upon us.

With one in ten Americans unemployed and even more underemployed, the stigma that once surrounded an adult moving back in with their parents is diminishing as the recession continues to plague American wallets and many flock to multi-generational living as a means of avoiding poverty.

The number of Americans living in multi-generational households has been rising slightly since 1980, but the multi-generational household population shot up most dramatically between 2007 and 2009, increasing from 46.5 million to 51.4 million.

Will this tide turn soon? Probably not…

According to Pew, “The current surge in multi-generational households is linked to the economy. The unemployed, whose numbers are growing, are much more likely to live in multi-generational households—25.4 percent did in 2009, compared with 15.7 percent of those with jobs. The ranks of the unemployed swelled by 7.2 million from 2007 to 2009, and the typical spell of unemployment in the Great Recession was the longest in four decades, adding to the financial strain on those without jobs.”

One in four of Americans aged 18 to 24 and one in five aged 25 to 34 reported moving back in with their parents and with the highest unemployment rate of Americans aged 18 to 29 seen since Nixon was in office, making the prospects unlikely that this age group will move out of relatives’ homes in the near future.

“While saving money is certainly an incentive for buying a home that accommodates multiple generations, the benefits go beyond just financial reasons,” said Diann Patton, Coldwell Banker Real Estate Consumer Specialist. “With two or three generations living under one roof, families often experience more flexible schedules, quality time with one another and can better juggle childcare and eldercare.”

If you want to know more about properties that would benefit this lifestyle, call or text me 206-713-3244 or email

Bullish on Home Ownership (Part 1 of 2)

Bull-150x150Dave Stevens, former head of FHA and the current President and CEO of the Mortgage Bankers’ Association, is bullish on home ownership. According to Stevens, there’s sunshine on the horizon and it may be here sooner than anyone realizes.

A few days ago I had a chance to interview Dave Stevens about his take on where we are in terms of a real estate recovery. I also asked if he had any good news he could share in light of the constant onslaught of bad economic news. Here’s what he had to say.

1. The Market is Stabilizing
According to Stevens, the real delinquency rate is down from 10 percent in the second of quarter of 2010 to 8.5 percent for the second quarter of 2011. New foreclosure starts are also down. In addition, three of the hardest hit states for foreclosures, Florida, Nevada, and Arizona, are also stabilizing. Furthermore, for standard fixed rates loans, the delinquency rate was 6 percent in 2010. That number has dropped to 5 percent in 2011. As Stevens put it, “This is very close to being in ‘normal’ territory.”

2. Most Sectors Are Experiencing Real Home Price Growth
The problems with negative equity and declining prices are actually concentrated in a few key states. For example, 24 percent of the foreclosure activity is concentrated in Florida. Fifty percent of the foreclosure activity is in five key states. Stevens says that people who quote declines in the average price of homes nationally are using “dangerous data,” since each market is different.

According to Stevens, price declines are not a national problem. “The fundamentals are better than ever.” In fact, if you remove the foreclosure properties from the equation, non-distressed properties have actually experienced an increase in prices.

The challenge is consumer sentiment. People are scared to purchase now because they don’t know whether they will have a job. Nevertheless, for those who are willing to purchase in this market, the opportunity has never been greater.

3. The Best Time Ever to Buy
Many people view the cost of home ownership based exclusively on the price they pay for the property. A more accurate way to judge the cost is how much you paid plus the cost of the interest that you pay over the term of the loan. To illustrate this point, assume that a buyer is going to purchase a home with a $200,000 loan. The interest rate is four percent. Many buyers are worried about prices falling more. If the prices were to decrease another 5 percent, that means that the property would decline in value by approximately $10,000.

If the interest rate increases from 4 to 6 percent, the cost of waiting is extremely high. Over the life of a 30-year loan, the borrower will pay $87,937 more in additional interest. The cost of owning that home costs a whopping $77,937 more than the apparent $10,000 they might have saved by buying at the bottom of the market.

4. The Coming Home Shortage
Stevens says that there are two primary factors that will contribute to a home shortage in the not too distant future. The first of these factors is the size of Gen Y (those born between 1977 and 1994), which is estimated to be approximately 80 million or 25 percent of the U.S. population. They are now entering their prime time for starting their careers, their families, and for buying a home.

The second variable is supply. There has been virtually no new construction, despite the predicted explosion in population growth. To illustrate the severity of this problem, the 2010 census put the U.S. population at approximately 309 million. By 2050, the prediction is that the U.S. population will be 439 million. That’s a 130 million increase in just 40 years. Regardless of whether they own or rent, they will still need housing.

5. Getting from Here to There
Stevens believes the major challenges we are facing in the short term are job creation and dealing with the tight credit situation. The GSEs (Fannie and Freddie) as well as FHA have tightened lending guidelines to such a degree that is extremely difficult for even well qualified buyers to obtain a loan.

Furthermore, the tremendous amount of new regulation creates additional problems. For example, the Dodd-Frank bill alone adds over 100 new regulations. Each of these regulations creates additional risk resulting in higher costs for the both the borrower and the lender. Lenders have to alter loan documents, create new systems, and retrain their people to handle these new requirements. Furthermore, the effect of “piling on” more and more regulations increases the cost to consumers as lenders must defend themselves against additional litigation risks.

According to Stevens, real estate is now at bargain levels that we will never see again in our lifetimes. If there were ever a time to buy a home, that time is now.

Want to know more? Call me at 206-713-3244 or

Good News: Interest Rates Will Remain Low

3.5 % Down Payments and Jumbo Loans Available

This is a great time to be looking for a new home. Historically low mortgage interest rates will remain low for the near future. Those low interest rates keep home purchases affordable, which is good news for buyers and sellers. With the August United States’ debt ceiling crisis behind us, many people are starting to become more confident about buying or selling their homes.

Interest Rates
In early August, the Federal Reserve pledged to maintain historical low interest rates for another one to two years. Most likely, when the Fed’s pledge ends, interest rates will have to increase. However, we don’t anticipate a significant increase in interest rates until 2013 or later.

Down Payments
Even though underwriting for home loans has tightened up over the past several years and buyers are now required to put down larger down payments and have higher credit scores, the Federal Housing Administration, or FHA, still offers mortgages with a 3.5 percent down payment.

Expiring High Mortgage Balance Loan Limits
As a result of the 2008 mortgage crisis, loan limits were increased to allow more borrowers to secure conforming loans. On the first of October 2011, these temporary limits expired, and more buyers in higher-priced markets will need jumbo loans that will carry tighter qualifying requirements (i.e. credit scores) and slightly higher interest rates.

Although many banks stopped or significantly tightened lending underwriting for jumbo loan products when the housing crisis hit, they are now back in the market and filling the void created by the expiration of the higher loans balance. That’s good news for buyers needing jumbo loans and sellers of higher-priced properties.

The days of reckless lending and then the market’s pendulum swing to overly conservative lending practices are gone. The good news is that we are now back to sensible underwriting. Even though we have tougher qualifying requirements – larger down payments and higher credit scores – banks still want to provide mortgages, even at historically low interest rates. Call your broker for more information when planning to buy, sell or refinance your home.

If you want to know more, give me a call 206-713-3244 or email me

America's Top Cities: Cheapest Real Estate In The World?


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Should You Challenge a Your Property Value?

clip_image001They say nothing is certain in life but death and taxes. When you’re a homeowner, that statement includes property tax–and potentially paying more of it if your property’s value is re-assessed by the county auditor’s office.

While counties vary in how and when property values are re-assessed, most have a process that takes place at least every five to eight years. You’ll know it’s underway when you receive notification from the county auditor’s office by mail. If you’ve been paying taxes on the inflated home values that dominated the market before the housing bubble burst, your notification may actually lead to a lower tax payment.

Nevertheless, despite the continued lull in the housing market’s recovery, some homeowners are receiving news from their county auditor that property values are slated for an increase. As a result, property taxes go up, too. Here is an explanation of your options if you are notified that your home value has been reassessed to an amount higher than what you believe the property is worth:

clip_image002Your Options

All counties allow the option for homeowners to react to reassessed values, whether up or down.  Start by doing a little sleuthing of your own, and use your county auditor’s website to research the home values of similar properties in your neighborhood (this information is free and public record). Gauge the “going rate” in your market by researching comparable home sales in your neighborhood, I’m happy to help with an analysis. You can go here to sign up for an account on my site.

Once you’ve gathered real value data, compare it to the new figure your country auditor has determined—and keep in mind that short sales and foreclosed property figures are typically not considered as a valid form of value comparison. If you still feel confident that there is a discrepancy between the “real” and reassessed value of your property, the first step is to understand how the appraisal process works, and the potential costs that it carries.

Unlike the home inspection that was conducted when you bought your property, that appraisal is actually based on a math-appraisal technique using statistics-based evaluation models, and at times, walking audits in a neighborhood. The appraiser will likely never see the inside of your home in determining the appraised value, but instead bases the figure on a variety of data points like square footage, county information, and the other fees that accompany a home sales transaction, like tax and title, real estate and broker fees.

When considering challenging a property reassessment, using a simple cost-benefit analysis approach, much like you would when considering whether or not to refinance a property.

Costs and Savings to Consider

clip_image003Start by figuring the difference between what you feel the value of the home is, versus the reassessed value proposed by the county. For example, if your home’s proposed “new value” is $300,000 but you believe that it is worth $225,000-there is a sizeable discrepancy of $75,000.

Counties use a “millage rate,” or the amount per $1,000, to calculate taxes on property. To analyze your unique situation, you’ll need to identify the exact millage rate for your area. For the sake of example, assume that a millage rate of two percent for the above scenario. The $75,000 discrepancy in value would lead to an annual property tax increase of about $1,500, if the homeowner chooses to accept the reassessed value. You should also consider any special exemptions that you qualify for, such as homestead exemptions, or owner-occupied exemptions, which vary by homeowner situation and location.

Once you’ve run the basic numbers, consider how long you plan to live in the property to determine whether the proposed new amount is worth challenging. In the scenario above, a homeowner who intends to live in the home for the next five years would potentially pay about $7,500 more in property taxes.  If you decide to move forward once you’ve considered the long-term costs, the next step is to seek a qualified, licensed appraiser.

A typical appraisal fee is around $400, and could potentially be higher for complicated properties, like those with pools or located on a waterfront. I have a few appraisers whom I trust, and understand that the property is being appraised because of a new county auditor value.

If you do intend to sell in the next few years, it’s also important to understand that your property value as determined by the county won’t play much of a role in terms of your sale price. Should you contest the value and win a lowered home value with the auditor, but your neighbors accept the higher value, you won’t be “haunted” by the lower value down the road. As your real estate professional I recognize that there are a lot of inaccuracies in the process, and will use many data points to determine the fair market value of your home.

Let me know how I can help. Call me at 206-713-3244 or email me:

Are American homeowners leaving money on the table? [Interactive infographic]


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Mortgage rates are still at near-record lows, with 30-year fixed-rate loans averaging 4.09% (with an average 0.7 point) for the week ending Sept. 22, 2011, while 5/1 ARMs averaged 3.02% with an average 0.6 point, according to Freddie Mac. And many American homeowners are hoping to take advantage of those rates by applying to refinance their mortgages. In fact, the vast majority of recent mortgage applications have been applications to refinance: 78% for the week ending Sept. 16, 2011, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.

That’s why it may come as a surprise that many homeowners are still not taking advantage of those savings opportunities. And we’re not talking about those who do not qualify to refinance (the 23% of homeowners with a mortgage who owe more to the bank than their properties are worth, for example). Credit Sesame recently analyzed data from its user base and found out that, on average, homeowners who would qualify for a refinance based on their credit profiles, income and the equity in their homes, are foregoing thousands of dollars in savings over a 10-year period: from an average of $38,387 in Nevada to an average of $97,170 in New Jersey.

In this interactive infographic, based on Credit Sesame data, we show you the average savings homeowners could reap over a 10-year period if they refinanced their mortgages, as well as average property values and homeowners’ average monthly debt payments (including mortgage, car and student loans, credit card debt, and home equity loans or lines of credit).

America’s Housing Report Card: Where does your state rate?


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fb_frame_1With the Oct. 1 deadline rapidly approaching when the conforming loan limits for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) will be lowered, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) recently called on Congress to move swiftly to extend the current loan limits to prevent further damage to the already fragile housing market and lackluster economy.

“Congress must act now to prevent the loan limits from reverting to lower levels,” says NAHB Chairman Bob Nielsen, a home builder from Reno, Nev. “A drop in mortgage loan limits would reduce housing demand, and place downward pressure on home prices in major markets. This would exacerbate the current housing downturn, trigger more foreclosures, impede job growth and endanger the fragile economic recovery.”

As a result, NAHB is engaged in a major grassroots push and association members are being urged to contact their members of Congress and seek their support for immediate efforts to extend the current loan limits.

If Congress fails to act, the loan limits will revert to the lower levels for high-cost areas established under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008.

The national ceiling for mortgages securitized by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac or insured by the FHA, would drop from $729,750 to $625,500 and the formula for establishing area loan limits would become more restrictive, producing decreases for areas in addition to those currently bound by the national ceiling.

Loan limits are based on a percentage of median area home prices. A recent NAHB study found that if the limits are allowed to revert to 2008 levels, millions of homes would no longer be eligible for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and FHA funding and would have to be financed with mortgages requiring higher interest rates, fees and down payments and more stringent credit standards.

While the changes would affect only a minority of counties in the nation, those areas represent large concentrations of homes and population. The counties affected by the changes in the FHA limits contain nearly 60 percent of all owner-occupied homes; the counties affected by the Fannie-Freddie changes contain nearly 30 percent of all owner-occupied homes.

Bipartisan legislation to extend the current federal home loan guarantees is pending in both chambers of Congress, but with the Oct. 1 deadline looming, time is running short.

“Credit conditions for home builders and home buyers are already extremely tight,” says Nielsen. “Reducing the loan limits would further restrict overall mortgage liquidity and make it even more difficult for potential buyers to purchase a home. Congress must not allow this to happen.”

The Great Prosperity – The Great Recession!


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