How 9 Iconic Creators Found Inspiration

The ways people search for their ideas can be both odd and dangerous. From laying down to headstands, find out how these 9 creators found inspiration in unique ways.

Is Clutter Holding You Back From Living Your Ideal Life?

Here are 7 ways clutter can bog you down, and 7 ways you can benefit from decluttering

Do you feel burdened by too many belongings? Is your desk piled high with papers, magazines and unpaid bills? If so, clutter may be holding you back from living the life you had envisioned for yourself.

As a professional home organizer, I’ve noticed that for many clients, decluttering provides greater benefits than mere visual appeal — it can relieve stress, improve relationships and more. Read on to learn about seven ways that clutter can hold you back as well as seven ways decluttering can improve your life. These aren’t just abstract concepts — these are all based on the work I’ve done with real people who were once overwhelmed by clutter.

World Population And Why It Matters

Over the past 12 years, the world’s population increased by a billion people. How much growth can our planet take?

This growth is only a drop in the bucket compared to the total overall rise between 1900 and 2000. During this time the population grew from 1.5 billion to 6.1 billion people.  This explosive growth is due to numerous reasons.

Where Americans Moved to in 2018

In 2018, Americans were on the move. According to Updater’s annual moving destinations report, Americans moved to cities in every corner of the United States. From Seattle to Denver to Tampa and New York, Americans took advantage of the many diverse cities the U.S. has to offer.

Updater’s moving destinations report is based on aggregated moving trends determined by analyzing 2,000,000 anonymous household moves that took place between Jan. 1 and Aug. 31, 2018. Check out this visual representation of the top 15 most moved to cities in 2018.

read the full post: 

Buyers Are Looking for Your Home!

How to Blend a Kitchen Into an Open Living Space

Check out the tricks designers use to keep the kitchen from grabbing all the attention in an open plan

With many of us choosing open-plan layouts in our homes, designers are finding ways to help our kitchens blend in. Opting for flat-front cabinets that fade into the walls, units that resemble period furniture, and walls that are lined with texture and artwork are just some of the tricks they use to create a kitchen that feels more like part of the living space than a functional room on its own.

Where is the Housing Market Headed in 2019?

Read the 2019 forecast from Lennox Scott here: 

The Oldest Surviving Form of Theater in the World

The Japanese art of Noh is the oldest surviving theater tradition in practice. Dating back to the 14th century, the classical musical drama is derived from the Sino-Japanese word for “skill” or “talent.” When combined with the theater art of kyogen, Noh is known as nogaku. It was named an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

In Noh theater, there is little plot. Many performances are allegorical and metaphorical; historically, spectators were educated, thus they were familiar with the stories being represented and were able to appreciate the subtle references within the words and movements. Noh actors wear intricately carved masks to which they have a deep spiritual connection; some are handed down generations and believed to contain energies from past performers. Many masks are deliberately asymmetrical so that they evoke different emotions when viewed from the right side, left side, top, and bottom.

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Lend a Hand – Make Someone’s Day

Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, ‘What’s in it for me?’ – Brian Tracy

I’d encourage you to watch this short video, it might inspire you to lend a hand…

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