Saving space is not something we do for its own sake – in this case, a cutting-edge media room was the goal, and cleverly lofting and concealing of books, CDs and DVDs provided the floor space to make this dream den a reality.
Johan wanted to use ever spare bit of wall surface for a larger television and smaller wall-mounted computer screen – no dressers and few shelves getting in the way, nor objects behind the couch to cramp the distance between seating and screens.
Wrap-around shelving features thicker top and bottom borders, creating a dynamic series of stripes that animate and decorate the space – being pushed out from the wall, these in turn allow for under-shelf indirect lighting in addition to a central overhead light fixture.
Audiophiles and film fanatics may find this cozy corner nook to be of secondary concern, but its existence enables the rest of the open-plan redesign … and for those of us who like little lofts and interior hideaways, it looks like a lovely space to read. To be fair, though, the entertainment center is quite exciting as well.