As a musician, I find that the kind of music listened to make a big difference depending on what task you are accomplishing. Take a look at this cool inforgraphic for more information on the topic.
Archives for June 2015
How Music Affects Productivity
How to Create an Art Gallery in Your Home
Now, you can learn the essential steps for properly hanging artwork in your own home, without damaging paint and walls. Just one picture or framed poster can affect the total look and feeling of a room—for better or worse. Balanced placement and a professional, neat job make all the difference. Follow this easy infographic to create a home art gallery, using traditional hardware or adapting more modern tension hanging systems.
See the Latest Benchmarks on Remodeling Costs and More
The annual Houzz & Home survey reveals what you can expect to pay for a renovation project and how long it may take
If you’re about to embark on a remodel project, chances are you’ve already started asking yourself, How long will this take? And what should I spend my money on?
You’re not alone in considering a remodeling project. According to the fourth annual Houzz & Home survey, more than half (58 percent) of the 170,000 U.S. respondents renovated their homes in 2014, and more than half (55 percent) have concrete plans to continue or start renovations in 2015. That means there are countless people who have gone through what you have gone through — or are planning to go through this year. And we can learn a lot from one another.
To give you an inkling of what to expect, the survey offers insights into what you might pay for a renovation project, how long it will take and more.
Make the Most of Your Hallway [infographic]
Home Is Where The Hearth Is: A Brief History
Throughout human existence, homes have varied drastically in scope, size, and design. Cob houses originated in the eleventh century, are made from straw and earth, and last for hundreds of years. In fact, people still make them today. We’ve come a long way from our cave-dwelling ancestors, however: This year, a house was printed for the first time. For around $160,000 you could print your own mansion in 2015.