You might recall the revolutionary smartphone controlled light bulbs called LIFX we recently featured, now Philips have presented a similar product called HUE. The bulbs let you control your lighting from an iPhone or iPad and personalize settings such as timers, colors, shade and brightness. It also allows you to monitor your lights remotely when not at home for security. All this plus they use 80 percent less power than a traditional light bulb! The smart LED light bulbs are available from today exclusively in Apple Stores worldwide. Watch the amazing video
Archives for October 2012
Customizable Lighting: PHILIPS HUE
10 fun facts about “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”
Is it that many of us recognize a bit of ourselves in Linus’ longing to catch a glimpse of the Great Pumpkin in the Halloween classic “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” that keep us coming back year after year just to be disappointed all over again?
Perhaps you’re not feeling that introspective and just really like Peanuts cartoons, but The FW has a fascinating collection of little-known facts to enrich that twenty-five minutes of nostalgic bliss this time around, but, please, wait for the commercial break.
1. The original ‘Great Pumpkin’ story was actually about religion
‘Peanuts’ creator Charles Schulz’s faith and beliefs often served as a launching point for his comic strip story lines and specials. A Halloween special might not seem like the ideal place for a message about personal beliefs but even The Great Pumpkin had something to say about faith and religion.
Schulz’s ‘Great Pumpkin’ story got its start in his comic strip before finding a permanent place in popular culture on television. According to the book ‘Schulz and Peanuts: A Biography,’ Schulz received a rare complaint letter from a reader asserting that the Great Pumpkin was “sacrilegious.” He wrote a response agreeing with her assessment. He felt that the concept of believing in Santa Claus was just as ridiculous and sacrilegious as the Great Pumpkin and that he was “trying to show this in the Great Pumpkin strips.”
2. The Halloween special came to life because CBS wanted another “blockbuster”
The massive success of the ‘Charlie Brown Christmas’ special and its subsequent special ‘Charlie Brown’s All-Stars!’ gave animator Bill Melendez and director Lee Mendelson a lot of leeway with CBS to do another special. All they had to do was promise that it would be a “blockbuster.”
Mendelson wrote in his book ‘It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown: The Making of a Television Classic’ that CBS network executives wanted another ‘Peanuts’ special but they also wanted a surefire hit. They didn’t just want something they could air once a year. They wanted something they could air year after year to bigger and bigger audiences. Mendelson and Melendez had to promise their third special would be a “blockbuster,” even though they had no idea on the table for another ‘Peanuts’ special.
Full story at The FW
A New Look For Appliances–Slate [video]
GE’s Newest Premium Appliance Finish – Slate
Welcome GE’s new fashion-forward finish, Slate: a color that is just as stylish and sophisticated as stainless steel but with a strong, earthy feel.
From exquisite slate flooring to tasteful cabinetry, kitchens today have become more than just a place to prep meals. They have become a place for families and friends to come together and entertain.
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Hallowe’en [infographic]
Halloween week is upon us! Many celebrated last weekend with Halloween parties, trips to the bars and lots of fun, but the real holiday is tomorrow! Are you planning to dress up? Halloween might be one of my favorites, but I only ever dress up as a cat, ballerina or French girl (only once).
Families spend an average of $150 on Halloween preparations. This includes costumes, fake blood, and pumpkins! One way to cut down on costs is to think up costumes that use your regular clothes. Lucky for you all, I have three A+ (in my opinion) costumes that may be sitting in your closet or only require a few quick purchases!
My personal favorite, the cat. Grab a cheap pair of kitty ears, draw some whiskers in black eyeliner, throw on a black top and black jeans and step into your favorite black stilettos.
The ballerina. Buy or make a tutu- tule is really easy to work with and extremely inexpensive – wear a black tank top or leotard and some tights. Oh and twirl all night long.
The French girl. A striped shirt, a drawn on mustache and a berret. Voila!
Have a happy and safe Halloween! [Via]
Spaceship House for Naomi Campbell
You may probably know that one of the most famous top models Naomi Campbell is dating a Russian billionaire Vladislav Doronin. And she surely deserves the best gifts. One of them has been recently built in Barvikha of the Moscow region. The designer of the house is a famous architect Zaha Hadid.
The house is called «Capital Hill Residence». Its area is more than 2,5 thousand m2. The architect combined modern technologies and natural forms.
Naomi can observe the pinery from her windows.
The house is now being built and is not finished yet.
Inside the house has four levels. On the lowest one are a living room, a gym, a massage room, a sauna, a hammam and a Russian bath.
On the higher level are a reception hall, an indoor swimming pool, a dining room and a kitchen.
On the third level are a library, a big hall, a room for guests and a children’s room.
On the highest level are bedrooms and a huge terrace.
In fact Zaha Hadid usually doesn’t build private houses. People rumor that she got a six-zero sum for the project.
How do you like the project?
House Fires! [infographic]
The message is simple, and the habit can be lifesaving. Thirty-eight percent of fatal fire injuries occur in homes without working smoke alarms, while 24 percent occur in homes in which at least one smoke alarm is present but fails to operate, frequently due to dead or missing batteries.
For 25 years, the Change Your Clock Change Your Battery program has been dedicated to helping share the life-saving reminder to change the batteries in your home’s smoke and carbon monoxide detectors when you change your clocks for daylight savings. This year, Energizer and the International Association of Fire Chiefs will mark the silver anniversary of one of the nation’s top home fire safety programs by donating 250,000 batteries to fire departments across the country to distribute to local families in their areas and adopting 25 fire departments in 25 cities across the nation, who, in addition to batteries, will be equipped with a variety Energizer family safety products for their department and to share in their communities.
Together, they will host Home Safety Days and neighborhood canvasses spanning throughout National Fire Prevention Month in October until the end of daylight saving time on Sunday, Nov. 4. For more information about Change Your Clock Change Your Battery, please visit their Facebook Page.
click image for larger view
source: Dailyinfographic
Wooded Wonderland: Open Plan Multi-Level Glass Cliff Home
Of all the homes an architect might design over the course of a career, the home he designs for his own family should undoubtedly be the best and most memorable. Such is the case with the work of Ray Kappe, legendary California architect. His home in Rustic Canyon in Los Angeles is known as one of the most distinctive and beautiful houses in the entire state of California.
The stunning home, built in 1967, is set on a hillside – but rather than nestling up into the rock, the structure seems to hover slightly above it. The natural springs on the site were left undisturbed and allowed to run beneath the home and through the lot. A series of exterior wooden trellises, decks and platforms extends from the body of the home, connecting it with the natural beauty of its surroundings.
Warm wood and expansive windows are overarching themes throughout the incredibly open home. Designed without interior walls and doors (other than those around the four bedrooms), the Kappe house manages its 4,000 square feet with a surprising sense of comfort and privacy. It is hugged on all sides by thick trees and protected from street views by virtue of its situation high up on the hill and on a 45 degree angle.
The Kappe home is arranged over a series of seven levels, many of which are visible from various vantage points throughout the interior. The same concrete towers that sink 30 feet into the site’s bedrock foundation extend up and through the living space, sheltering a fireplace and the home’s bathrooms, then continue up to the atrium-height ceilings, where they meet with skylights and clerestories.
From every vantage point, the home provides a healthy dose of nature along with a sense of comforting friendliness. This is a place meant for a family, not simply a project meant for display. The home has been described as a masterpiece, ranking among some of the most celebrated pieces of architecture not only in California but in America.
courtesy of: Dornob
Top 10 ‘Turnaround’ Housing Markets–Seattle #5!
Western states continue to dominate, showing some of the fastest paces of recovery in the nation’s housing markets. With inventories falling, national median list prices increased 2.54 percent year-over-year during the third quarter, reports.
Anecdotally, the greater Seattle area, has seen price appreciation for months now. The lack of inventory is causing multiple offers in many areas!
The site released its rankings of the top 10 turnaround towns, based on third quarter housing data of median list price increases, inventory levels, and employment rates.
1. Oakland, Calif.
2. Sacramento, Calif.
3. San Jose, Calif.
4. San Francisco
5. Seattle-Bellevue-Everett, Wash.
6. Bakersfield, Calif.
7. Santa Barbara-Santa Maria-Lompoc, Calif.
8. Phoenix-Mesa, Ariz.
9. Fresno, Calif.
10. Miami
View more information about what is making these housing markets some of the biggest turnaround housing markets in the nation at