Archives for 2011

Built-In, Slide & Hide Microwave Drawer

For various reasons, microwaves have long existed as additive appliances place into (rather than constructed as part of) home kitchens. This design aims to change all of that, with a built-in solution that addresses aesthetic as well as functional issues.

Slotted alongside your kitchen drawers, this space-saving unit by Anoush Mortazavi uses an existing commercial-kitchen innovation – the aluminum mode stirrer – to replace the typical rotating-plate approach to complete and even cooking of microwaved food (making it more like an oven than conventional microwave).

It has a magnetic sensor in the handle to turn itself off automatically should someone accidentally open it while it is working. Finishing touches include hollow stainless steel structure, lightweight removable side shelves and slots as well as a exterior touch-screen control panel and digital display (for viewing even when the device is in use).

While no single aspect is implausible, the finished product might take some time (and certainly some money) to make into a ready-to-manufacture fixture of modern households … and a lingering question remains: how do you begin to standardize the sizes so they fit below most (or many) kitchen counter tops?

Kids See Things Differently Than Adults

If you are a parent, you have most likely smiled more than once while thinking about how your child views the world. I think it’s safe to say that kids look at things a lot differently than us grown-ups. Jeff Wysaski knows all about how kids view things differently than adults. His adult vs. kid comparisons on Pleated Jeans really made me laugh. The difference is remarkable but I think it is quite true. It’s amazing how seeing pictures like this can bring back so many memories.

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20% Downpayments Don’t Always Make Cents

down_paymentDespite the “doom and gloom” in today’s headlines, in the current economic climate, homeownership is more affordable than ever, thanks to low interest rates and lower home values. For those buyers who manage to have a 20% (or more) downpayment, they believe this will get them the lowest monthly mortgage payment. However, simply because buyers can afford to put down this amount does not necessarily mean they should.

Those buyers who have saved enough to put 20%—or more—down on the purchase of a home may want to consider another approach—preserving some of their cash for savings, investing or other purposes. It may sound counterintuitive, but with today’s interest rates and the competitive pricing of private mortgage insurance (MI), borrowers can retain some of their money by putting less money down on a home—say only 10%—and still get a low monthly payment.

Real estate professionals have a responsibility to all home buyers to help them evaluate their purchasing power based on existing assets as well as future need. The right counsel can help home buyers leverage their current assets while keeping sufficient reserve for any immediate or future financial needs, not to mention all the trips to the local big box hardware store that seem to come standard for any new homeowner.

As a real estate professional, I guide my home buyers throughout the transaction process. At the very beginning, it is imperative to look at the borrower’s overall financial picture—taking into consideration current cash flow, debt and all future financial obligations.

leveraging-SmallIt is important to think beyond just interest rates and downpayment, as these are not the only keys to securing the lowest possible mortgage payment. By having a general understanding of the current financing options, you can better understand what a buyer can responsibly afford, which, in some instances may be more than they think.

While I am not a financial advisor, by asking these types of questions, I help make sure my buyers better frame conversations with their loan officer.

While in the past the adage was, “The more you borrow, the more you leverage,” in today’s financial times, the scenario is much different. Today, borrowers can leverage private MI to put as little as 5% down on a home and still have a competitive payment. And for those potential buyers who have stayed out of the market over worries of declining property values, they can still purchase a home without funneling all of their available cash into the downpayment. By utilizing this strategy, home buyers are able to leverage their current assets, while still keeping sufficient cash reserve.

So, while putting 20% down on a home doesn’t always make sense (or dollars), buying at a time of high affordability does. And by understanding the current financing options available to buyers, and helping them discuss what those options mean for their downpayment needs or monthly payments,I help point them in the right direction with their loan officer, overcome their investment fears and make the sale, all while helping them achieve their goals.

I’m here to help – 206-713-3244 or email me.

What home feature adds $43,000 to its price, what reduces it by $24,000?

The average new home is 2,150 sf

In a Southern suburb, a home’s value increases by around $43,000 by having a third full bathroom in a single family home, according to the National Association of Home Builders’ updated home price estimator and economic model that compares the four regions in America to enable home buyers, home builders, home owners and developers to compare the impact of physical features on a home’s price.

The results of the national economic model are interesting – the “standard” new single family home has 2,150 square feet, has three bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, garage, fireplace, central air, separate dining and three miscellaneous rooms in a neighborhood where groceries are within 15 minutes from the home.

New home prices are typically higher in the Northeast and West than the Southeast and Southern regions and the lowest prices tend to be outside of a metro area, but according to the NAHB, “In general, the estimator finds that suburbs show higher prices than their companion central cities, which include the areas inside the city limits and not just a central business district or downtown area.”

How features impact a home’s price

Take for example a standard new home in a suburb in the South- it costs on average $203,874. Put that home on the waterfront and the price jumps by $90,000. Put the home near public transportation and you add another $26,000. Add 500sf of living space which adds an average $13,000 to the home price, but adding another bedroom or miscellaneous room adds less than $10,000 in value.

What can hurt a home’s price? Take out that fireplace of that Southern suburban home and you’re looking at reducing a home’s value by an average (and shocking) $24,000. Foreclosures are having an impact on home values without a doubt- an abandoned building within half a block knocks $28,000 off of a home’s value. Without shopping nearby, metal bars on windows, poor roads or bad smells can hurt a homes value by more than $6,000.

Cheat sheet:

Below is an easy to read summary of the information above (remember, all of this serves as an example of a Southern suburb for illustrative purposes). Visit the NAHB’s home price estimator and economic model to learn more about feature values in your market.

  1. The average new single family home has 2,150 square feet and is a 3/2.5.
  2. The average new home has a garage, fireplace, separate dining and three miscellaneous rooms.
  3. The average new home is in a neighborhood where groceries are within 15 minutes.
  4. A full third bathroom adds $43,00 to a home’s value.
  5. The average new home in a Southern suburb is $203,874.
  6. Being waterfront adds $90,000 to a home’s value.
  7. Being near public transportation adds $26,000 to a home’s value.
  8. Adding 500sf of living space adds $13,000.
  9. BUT, if that extra space is a bedroom or miscellaneous room, it adds under $10,000.
  10. Removing a fireplace reduces home values by $24,000.
  11. An abandoned building within half a block reduces a home’s value by $28,000.
  12. Without shopping nearby, metal bars on windows, poor roads or bad smells can hurt a homes value by more than $6,000.

See what you can get in Bellevue.

Sofa Bunk Bed – Convertible Sofa Bed

Sofa Bunk Bed - Convertible Sofa Bed

DOC is a spectacular sofa that can easily be adapted into a bunk bed within a second! A plain spontaneous and protected process lets you to convert the three seater sofa into two regular beds. Doc takes multi-purpose to an entire innovative height, resourceful utilization of space at its best. This is a remarkably upgrades a conventional chaise lounge!

Sofa Bunk Bed - Convertible Sofa Bed

Sofa Bunk Bed - Convertible Sofa Bed

Sofa Bunk Bed - Convertible Sofa Bed

The art of LP Stereo banners


Click to see more and shuffle the stack

Some Levity! The Road to Alcoholism

I  used to be like this…
Then I met a  girl…

  She was  like this…

  Together, we  were like this…

  I gave her  gifts like this…

  When she  accepted my proposal, I was like  this…

  I used to talk  to her all night like this…

  And at the  office I used to do this…

  When my  friends saw my girlfriend, they stared like  this…


  And I used to  react like this…

  But on Valentine’s  Day, 
  she received a red rose from someone  else like this…


  And she was  like this…

  And I was like  this…

  Which later led to  this..

  and  this…

I  felt
  like doing this…

  So I started  doing this…

NOW   look at  me…



14 Post-Recession Real Estate Terms, Translated

By now, you’ve probably heard the age-old rules of thumb about translating home listings from real estate lingo to plain English: ‘cozy’ = tiny, ‘needs TLC’ = needs massive repairs, and ‘all original details’ could mean beautiful moldings or moldy linoleum, depending on the home.

Almost everything about the real estate market has changed over the last few years, though, so I thought it may be time to update the real estate lingo decoder that accounts for those changes in the market.(That’s a picture of Ralphie getting his decoder ring in the mail, by the by.)

To that end, here are 14 line items of real estate jargon, divided into 2 buckets and decoded for the post-recession house hunter.

Bucket #1: Transaction signals. Distressed properties – foreclosures and short sales – make up about a third of the homes currently on the market, and these transactions have their own unique flow, timelines and challenges compared with “regular” equity sales. So, it only makes sense that listing agents have developed a set of abbreviations to brief prospective buyers on what they can expect and should be prepared for if they make an effort to buy such a home, with just a glance at the listing:

1. REO: Real estate owned by the bank/mortgage servicer, this acronym refers to homes that were foreclosed and repossessed by the former owner’s bank. It also signals that buying this property will involve doing a deal with the bank; possibly dealing with a different escrow timeline, offer process or contract forms than a non-REO sale; and almost always taking the place in as-is condition, among other things. Oh, yeah – and it might also involve one more thing: a great deal.

2. S/S, Subject to bank approval: What once stood for stainless steel is now being used to describe a short sale – a property whose seller anticipates will net them less than they owe on the home. Short sales are often described as “subject to bank approval,” which simply points out the obvious truth about these transactions, that the seller has very little control over whether the bank will allow the transaction or what price and terms the bank will approve of, and that the transaction might very well take the better part of your natural life could take 6 months or longer to close. Talk to your agent for more details about short sales, and to determine how you can tell the success-prone short sales from those that are less likely to close.

3. Pre-approved short sale: Many knowledgeable agents say no short sale is truly “pre-approved” unless and until the bank looks at a specific buyer’s offer and the seller’s financials at the same time, but some listing agents designate a short sale as “pre-approved” when a previous short sale application was approved at a given price, but fell out of contract for some other reason.

4. Motivated seller: This is a perennial term in listing parlance, but against the backdrop of the current market, translates to something like, “Have mercy on me.” I kid – this phrase often signals a seller’s flexibility in pricing and/or urgency in timing.

5. Coveted: In a word, “expensive.” No, seriously, even on today’s market, many locales have a neighborhood (or a few) which have been relatively recession-proof, have been fairly immune to the foreclosure epidemic and have seen home values continue to rise. If you see the word ‘coveted’ in a listing, chances are you’re house hunting in that sort of neighborhood, or there’s something about the individual property the home’s seller is trying to position as unique and desirable, as compared to competing listings (i.e., the view, location of the lot, or floor plan).

6. BOM, often accompanied by “No fault of the house:” Homes go in and fall out of escrows on today’s market constantly, often due to things the seller has no control over. BOM indicates a home that was in contract to be sold, but is now “Back on the Market.” “No fault of the house” may describe a situation in which the buyer lost interest in the home after a long short sale process or failed to get final loan approval, as contrasted to a situation in which the home’s inspection turned up deal-killing problems or the property failed to appraise at the purchase price.

7. Not a short sale, not a foreclosure. Sellers on “regular” equity transactions are often more negotiable on items like price and repairs, and are certainly able to close the transaction (i.e., let the buyer move in) sooner than sellers of REOs and short sale properties. Some also pride themselves on having maintained their homes in better condition than the distressed homes on the market. For buyers that seek quick certainty and closure, non-distressed homes can be especially attractive.

Bucket #2: Show Me The Money. The government’s role in financing homes has grown exponentially over the housing recession, so the alphabet soup of government housing and home financing agencies, their guidelines and programs is now more important to understand than ever.

8. OO/NOO: Owner-Occupied and Non-Owner Occupied – You’ll see this on listings in two different ways. First, the vast majority of home loans must comply with government loan insurance guidelines, including guidelines around how much of a condo complex must be owner-occupied (i.e., 75 percent, minimum, in most cases). Also, some bank-owned property sellers will consider offers from owners who plan to occupy the property if they buy it as much as a week or 10 days before they will look at NOO or investor offers.

9. FHA: Short for the Federal Housing Administration, which backs the popular 3.5 percent down home loan program. FHA guidelines also include somewhat strict condition and homeowners’ association dictates, so if a home’s seller notes that they are not taking FHA loans, they might be saying that the property has condition or other issues which disqualify it for FHA financing.

10. Fannie, Freddie: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, federally controlled company/agency hybrids that now back most non-FHA (conventional) home loans, and thus provide the guidelines most Conventional loans must meet, including guidelines around seller incentives like how much closing cost credit a buyer can receive.

11. DPA/DAP: Down-Payment Assistance or Down-Payment Assistance Program

12. FTH/FTB: First-time homebuyer/First-time buyer – cities, states and large employers like universities tend to be the last bastion of these programs which offer mortgage financing or down payment assistance, usually to people who have not owned a home in the relevant city or state anytime in the preceding 3 years.

13. HUD: The federal department of Housing and Urban Development, which governs the guidelines for FHA loans, acts as a seller of homes which were foreclosed on and repossessed for non-payment of FHA-backed loans, and publishes the Good Faith Estimate and settlement statement forms every buyer and borrower will be provided at the time they shop for a loan and close their home purchase, respectively.

14. HFA: Short for Housing Finance Administration, this acronym refers to a loose body of state
and regional agencies which offer an array of financing and counseling programs that varies by state, from down payment assistance for first time buyers to the Hardest Hit Funds that offer foreclosure relief assistance and principal reducing loan modifications to unemployed and underwater homeowners in the states hardest hit by the foreclosure crisis.

I’m here to help – 209-713-3244 or email me.

How Appraisals Are Derailing Home Sales

New requirements are resulting in more cancelled or delayed contracts.

appraisal2When the appraiser’s number is different than the selling price the buyer and seller had agreed to, and  unless the buyer agreed to put up more money, or the seller to lower the price, the deal is dead.

In the past, appraisals rarely disrupted a home sale. But new requirements and a difficult housing market are doing just that. Year-to-date through September, one third of realtors have said appraisals resulted in buyers and sellers delaying or canceling contracts or renegotiating to a lower sales price, according to the National Association of Realtors. That’s up from 29% in all of 2010 and up from less than 10% prior to 2009.

Indeed, lenders say they’re requiring more thorough home appraisals. Appraisers determine the value of a home largely by reviewing the prices at which similar homes nearby sold for in recent months. During the housing boom, appraisers could cite as few as three recently sold homes; today, lenders are often requiring two to three times that, says David Stevens, president and CEO of the Mortgage Bankers Association. To meet that quota, appraisers say they sometimes have to use homes that aren’t similar and may be foreclosures or short sales, though they are taking into account what this property would have sold for if it wasn’t a distressed sale, says a spokesman for the Appraisal Institute, an association of real estate appraisers. "Appraisers have become much more cautious," says Jack McCabe, an independent housing analyst in Deerfield Beach, Fla.

To be sure, a more thorough appraisal process does have its benefits. It lets a buyer know whether they’re offering too much to buy a particular home. "For buyers, the appraisal is a check and balance — it’s there to ensure the buyer isn’t overpaying and the lender isn’t over-lending," says McCabe.

It may also make houses cheaper for buyers — though not without more hassle. If the appraisal value comes in below the agreed buying price, the lender will typically offer a smaller mortgage. For example, on the house that Rogers sold, the buyer would have gotten a mortgage for $358,400, or 80% of $448,000. But when the appraisal value came in at $430,000, the lender adjusted the mortgage amount to 80% of the appraisal figure, or $344,000. The contract the buyer and the seller had signed, however, stated the higher buying price of $448,000, and the buyer (and potentially the seller) had the option to decide if they wanted to make up the $18,000 difference.

Typical solutions include having the buyer paying that difference out of pocket or the seller lowering his price — or both. And sellers often do lower their prices: For example, during the three months ending September, 13% of realtors reported contracts were renegotiated to a lower sales price, compared to 10% who said contracts were canceled and the 8% who said contracts were delayed, according to the NAR.

How sellers can prepare:

Before putting their home on the market, sellers should research what similar homes near them are selling for by looking at online listings, visiting open houses and speaking with realtors, says Rogers. "It’s always good to get more than one opinion," he says. They can also ask for their own home appraisal, which could give them a sense of how close (or far off) the figures are. The cost of an appraisal varies but typically ranges from $250 to $600.

How buyers can protect themselves:

When buyers make an offer, they should include statements in the contract guaranteeing they’ll receive their initial down payment (typically 3% to 5% of the agreed buying price of the home) back if full mortgage financing doesn’t come through for the agreed price or the appraisal value is below the offer that’s in the contract, says McCabe. Separately, the buyer (who’s required to pay for the home appraisal) should ask for the appraisal report and look at what properties the appraiser used as comparisons, says Rogers. It should, he says, include homes that are in the same neighborhood and the same style. In other words, a colonial home shouldn’t be compared to a ranch.

What to do if appraisal value comes in below the purchase price:

In this situation, experts say buyers have several options. If they’re no longer interested in the home, they can walk away. (However, without a contingency clause — see previous section — they risk losing their initial down payment.) But if they still intend to buy the house and they can prove the report excluded similar, nearby properties or had some other issue, they can appeal or ask their lender for a second appraisal.

If those strategies don’t work, the buyer and the seller can consider working out an agreement on their own. Lastly, to report a problem with an appraiser, consumers can contact their state’s appraisal board.

Have you experienced a low appraisal? How did you address that? Let me know how I can help – 206-713-3244 or email me.